Gambar hiasan..amzar syakir yang sedang menangis!
Berikut Adalah Sebahagian Daripada Petikan Kata-kata Pakar Tentang Kesan-kesan Negatif Daripada Tangisan Bayi Yang Tidak Ditenteramkan:
"Leaving babies to cry for longer and longer periods at night, in order to train them to sleep through the night, can actually lead to harmful levels of the stress hormone cortisol in the baby’s system. Cortisol can stay in the brain at high levels for hours, and over a prolonged period “can cause damage to key structures and systems in a developing brain”.
(Margot Sutherland, in ‘The Science of Parenting’ [Dorling Kindersley Ltd, 2006])
"Parents should recognize that having their babies cry unnecessarily harms the baby permanently. It changes the nervous system so they're sensitive to future trauma."
(Dr. Michael Commons, Dept of Psychiatry, Harvard)
"Parents who leave their babies to cry themselves to sleep too often may unwittingly cause their infants to suffer from brain damage, which will adversely affect a child's learning ability later on in life"
(Penelope Leach; The Essential First Year-What Babies Need Parents to Know (DK Publishing, April 19, 2010))
"If this [kind of crying] is the way it is for baby day after day, it takes a toll on the body. It creates a state of stress, raising blood pressure and pulse rate. Eventually it compromises oxygen level"
(William Sears, Pediatrician Constance Keefer of the Brazelton Touchpoints Center at Children's Hospital)
"Tangisan yang berpanjangan mungkin boleh dikaitkan dengan masalah yang lebih serius misalnya meningitis (jangkitan pada selaput otak)"
(Dr Noor Aziah Mohd Saari
Pakar Kanak-Kanak, Pusat Perubatan Kampung Baru (KBMC),
sy hntr anas ke nursery baru ms umur dia 1 thn 3 bln. seminggu je sy hntr dia ke sana, pastu terus tukar hantar ke rumah pengasuh. sbbnya, 5 hari dia kat nursery, suara dia hilang, cuti 2 hari, suara dia ok je. then minggu ke-2 tu sy hntr sehari je, tgk suara dia serak balik, sy mntk duit saya balik n cabut... tension sgt, dh nama pun nak ngasuh, ngasuh la betul2 kan...
selalunyer mmgla org tua pesan jgn biarkan anak menangis terlalu lama mesti kene pujuk...aina nak share kan boleh x?
aina: silakan share..sharing is caring!
ummi anas: kalau setakat hilang suara je boleh jejas otak tau..huhu
tu yg cepat2 bawak dia pindah, huhu, nauzubillah... tak pasal2 anak terencat kan?
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